What is STORK?

The STORK parent education programme:

Bystander (Basic) Life Support

We believe that all parents and carers need to be trained in basic life support. This is also called CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation).

A Choking Child

We believe that all parents and carers need to be trained in how to manage a baby who is choking.

Recognising Signs of Illness

There are some clues in your baby that can alert you that your baby may be getting ill. You can read about these at the following link:

Safe Sleeping and Sudden Infant Death

It is important to know about how best to position your baby when sleeping

Smoking is a key risk factor

Smoking in Pregnancy and after the birth of baby can affect your baby in many ways

Breastfeeding your baby

Breastfeeding benefits mothers and babies in many different ways. In the UK exclusive breast feeding is recommended for around the first six months. The NHS recommends that breast feeding continues after the first six months alongside other foods. You can continue to breast feed for as long as you wish, ideally into your baby's 2nd year and beyond. The longer a baby is breast fed, the longer these benefits will last.

Healthy lifestyle choices

We also promote healthy lifestyles

RSV and other viral infections

Click on the link https://bit.ly/2TXboyW to see the NHS Parent Information Leaflet on the recent pandemic. For STORK champions/trainers, follow local Trust Guidelines on infection control measures.

ICON and Coping with your crying baby

Click on these link to see more information about how to cope with your baby crying , and preventing head injury


Whats available in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland:

Your certificate

Once you have gone through this app with your health care worker, please ask for your certificate and leaflets on basic life support and choking. You can stick these on your fridge or in your baby album, for example.

STORK Parent Feedback

Stork has been well received by parents, carers and extended family members. Watch this video to see an example of how it helped a family.

Your baby's first year of vaccinations

Your baby will be offered routine immunisations (Vaccinations) in childhood, to help protect baby from serious childhood infections. Your midwife, health visitor, doctor or health care worker can talk to you more about these immunisations. You can see the government policy on vaccinations by clicking on this link.

Maternal and Perinatal Mental Health

There are established mental health support services available in each region, to help mothers and families with moderate to severe mental health issues related to pregnancy, childbirth and in the first year after a baby's birth.